The Board of Supervisors meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall (unless otherwise stated). There is an opportunity to be heard during the "Public Comments" section of the meeting. However, if you are seeking consideration on a particular topic, you will need to contact the clerk prior to the agenda being finalized for anything that needs to be voted on.
The Department of Military Affairs is a great way to start to find Flag Lowering Orders. Click here to find information.
Open burning of weeds or brush on agricultural lands is allowed if conducted in accordance with other applicable provisions and if approved by the Fire Chief. Please refer to Chapter 11 of the Town of Rhine Ordinances to see what is permitted and what is not allowed.
No. Not if it is the first or second layer of shingles. If it is a third layer, there may be some structural issues and a permit is necessary.
Visit and search "Land Records". It's a wonderful resource that will answer many questions about your property including, what Sanitary District or School District your property is in as well as what your property is zoned and aerial maps.
There are numerous online resources to find this information and it is public record. One resource is the Department of Revenue's Real Estate Transfer Return (RETR) page here.
Property tax bills are printed and mailed out by the Sheboygan County Treasurer. You can expect to have your bill arrive by mid-December. Your bill is also available on Sheboygan County's website.